Trimalleolar Fracture Update!
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone, I’ve had the op, under local anaesthetic which was a tad traumatic and not what I was expecting. Cast went on today in the operating theatre so no gory photos but it looked pretty horrific, lots of staples and gore. That’s all behind me now and it is onwards and upwards with the recovery!
- All bandaged up…
- Just a bit of metal work
- 44 staples, 6 screws, and two bolts, should hold me together nicely!
It was great reading all the messages on FB in the hospital, the French medical services were incredible, E111 card covered everything aside from €20 euros a day hospital fee, €33 for the crutches (couldn’t loan them for obvious reasons) and €20 for drugs, a lot of drugs! If you travel to the EU from the U.K. make sure you have the card. Insurance will cover the rest obviously but incredibly professional and fast service from the crew at BSM Hospital!
- All done and in a cast!
- My happy to go home face after three days in hospital…
Will be a while before I am back shredding, I get home to the U.K. on Monday and will be in full rehab mode for a solid month at least. Then lots of physio I expect.
Massive thanks to James and Mary for looking after me and coming to visit and driving me back up the mountain today!
Moving on up from here on in!
- Mary and James on pick up duty!
- Au revoir!
- On the way back up the mountain!